License ------- Dolibarr is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPL-3+). More information: Dolibarr uses some external libraries released under different licenses. This is compatibility summary: Component Version License GPL Compatible Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP libraries: AdoDb-Date 0.36 Modified BSD License Yes Date convertion (not into rpm package) ChromePHP 4.1.0 Apache Software License 2.0 Yes Return server log to chrome browser console CKEditor 4.5.8 LGPL-2.1+ Yes Editor WYSIWYG EvalMath 1.0 BSD Yes Safe math expressions evaluation Escpos-php MIT License Yes Thermal receipt printer library, for use with ESC/POS compatible printers FPDI 1.5.2 Apache Software License 2.0 Yes PDF templates management GeoIP 1.4 LGPL-2.1+ Yes Sample code to make geoip convert (not into deb package) Mobiledetect 2.8.17 MIT License Yes Detect mobile devices browsers NuSoap 0.9.5 LGPL 2.1+ Yes Library to develop SOAP Web services (not into rpm and deb package) PEAR Mail_MIME 1.8.9 BSD Yes NuSoap dependency odtPHP 1.0.1 GPL-2+ b Yes Library to build/edit ODT files PHPExcel 1.8.1 LGPL-2.1+ Yes Read/Write XLS files, read ODS files php-iban 1.4.7 LGPL-3+ Yes Parse and validate IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information in PHP PHPoAuthLib 0.8.2 MIT License Yes Library to provide oauth1 and oauth2 to different service PHPPrintIPP 1.3 GPL-2+ Yes Library to send print IPP requests Restler 3.0.0RC6 LGPL-3+ Yes Library to develop REST Web services TCPDF 6.2.12 LGPL-3+ Yes PDF generation TCPDI 1.0.0 LGPL-3+ / Apache 2.0 Yes FPDI replacement Swift Mailer 5.4.2-DEV MIT license Yes Comprehensive mailing tools for PHP JS libraries: jQuery 1.11.3 MIT License Yes JS library jQuery UI 1.11.4 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin UI jQuery select2 3.5.2 GPL and Apache License Yes JS library plugin for sexier multiselect jQuery blockUI 2.70.0 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin blockUI (to use ajax popups) jQuery Colorpicker 1.1 MIT License Yes JS library for color picker for a defined list of colors jQuery FileUpload 5.0.3 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library to upload files jQuery Flot 0.8.3 MIT License Yes JS library to build graph jQuery JCrop 0.9.8 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin Crop (to crop images) jQuery Jeditable 1.7.1 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin jeditable (to edit in place) jQuery jNotify 1.1.00 Apache Software License 2.0 Yes JS library plugin jNotify (to use ajax popups) jQuery jPicker 1.1.6 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for color picker with not defined list of colors jQuery jqueryFileTree 1.0.1 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for color picker with not defined list of colors jQuery jquerytreeview 1.4.1 MIT License Yes JS library for color picker with not defined list of colors jQuery Layout 1.4.3 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin Layout jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for smartphone (not used) jQuery TableDnD 0.6 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library plugin TableDnD (to reorder table rows) jQuery Timepicker 1.1.0 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library Timepicker addon for Datepicker jQuery Tiptip 1.3 GPL and MIT License Yes JS library for tooltips jsGanttImproved BSD License Yes JS library (to build Gantt reports) JsTimezoneDetect 1.0.6 MIT License Yes JS library to detect user timezone For licenses compatibility informations: Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 2016 Copyright (C) 2015 - Laurent Destailleur - Marcos García - Alexandre Spangaro - Frederic France - Regis Houssin Copyright (C) 2014 - Laurent Destailleur - Raphaël Doursenaud - Jean-François Ferry - Marcos García - Philippe Grand - Florian Henry - Regis Houssin - Maxime Kohlhaas - Juanjo Menent - Alexandre Spangaro - Frederic France Copyright (C) 2013 - Christophe Battarel - Laurent Destailleur - Jean-François Ferry - Marcos García - Philippe Grand - Florian Henry - Regis Houssin - Maxime Kohlhaas - Juanjo Menent - Adolfo Segura - Alexandre Spangaro Copyright (C) 2012 - Christophe Battarel - Laurent Destailleur - Jean-François Ferry - Marcos García - Philippe Grand - Jean Heimburger - Florian Henry - Regis Houssin - Maxime Kohlhaas - Juanjo Menent - Nicolas Péré - Alexandre Spangaro Copyright (C) 2011 - Laurent Destailleur - Regis Houssin - Juanjo Menent - Philippe Grand - Jean Heimburger Copyright (C) 2010 - Laurent Destailleur - Regis Houssin - Juanjo Menent - r2gnl - meos Copyright (C) 2009 - Laurent Destailleur - Regis Houssin - Juanjo Menent Copyright (C) 2008 - Laurent Destailleur - Regis Houssin - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Jeremie Ollivier Copyright (C) 2007 - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Laurent Destailleur - Regis Houssin - Auguria SARL - Jean Heimburger - Jeremie Ollivier Copyright (C) 2006 - Auguria SARL - Marc Barilley/Ocebo - Laurent Destailleur - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Regis Houssin - Andre Cianfarani - Yannick Warnier - Jean Heimburger Copyright (C) 2005 - Brice Davoleau - Laurent Destailleur - Benoit Mortier - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Eric Seigne - Matthieu Valleton - Regis Houssin Copyright (C) 2004 - Laurent Destailleur - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Eric Seigne - Benoit Mortier - Christophe Combelles - Sebastien Di Cintio Copyright (C) 2003 - Jean-Louis Bergamo - Xavier Dutoit - Rodolphe Quiedeville - Emmanuel Raviart - Eric Seigne Copyright (C) 2002 - Jean-Louis Bergamo - Rodolphe Quiedeville Copyright (C) 2001 - Rodolphe Quiedeville